6th Grade City Project - Boston


Where is Boston

Boston is in inland(away from water) and that impacts the weather
since the weather is hot during summer but cold during winter.
It’s low pressure is 29.83 Hg and high pressure is 29.97 HG.

Which location is Boston in?

Boston is in the Northern hemisphere.
It’s coordinates are (42.3601° N, 71.0589° W)
This impacts the weather  because of the coriolis effect,
storms here rotate counterclockwise.
What is the average temperature in Boston for summer and winter?

The average Temperature for boston during summer is 75.3 degrees
fahrenheit, while the average temperature for boston during
winter is 50 degrees fahrenheit.
Image result for summer and winter in boston

What type of climate does Boston have
Boston has a wet climate most of the time. It does have extremely
cold temperatures which are below zero degrees fahrenheit.
It’s average amount of precipitation is 43.56 inches.

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Bodies of water near Boston
There are a lot of rivers and lakes near boston.
They are the charles river, boston Harbor, Quabbin Reservoir,
Jamaica Pond, Houghton’s Pond, Chestnut Hill reservoir,  
Massachusetts bay, lake cochituate, mystic lakes mystic river,
neponset river, weir river, Hypocrite channel, Higham bay,
Middlesex channel, Lechmere channel, crystal lake,
Wachusett Reservoir, Sawins pond, Bullough’s Pond,
Clay Pit pond  

Image result for bodies of water near Boston

Is Boston Prone to Natural Disasters ?

Boston is not prone to hurricanes and tsunamis since it is a inland
location, but if a storm hits the place, it does major damage.
It also has a lot of earthquakes.

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Are there variations of the seasons of Boston?

Yes. During winter, it is very cold, and plants don’t grow,
in summer, it is very hot, in spring and fall have the same climate.
Image result for variations of the seasons of BOston

Appropriate clothing to wear to go to this place.

You should bring comfortable shoes, and flexible clothing,
for winter weather wear a thick jacket, thick pants, boots,
and thick socks. Bring an umbrella also.
Since there are lot of beaches in boston, pack swimming clothes.
For fun, since they have nice fitness rooms, pack fitness clothes.  
Bring sunscreen also.

Image result for swimming pools in boston

Three fun things to do in Boston

Three fun things to do in Boston are:

  1. Paul Revere house
  2. Museum of Science
  3. Fenway park. 

Faneuil Hall

Why I chose Boston.

I chose Boston since it was a city with lots of tourist attractions,
and also had a lot of beaches. It had nice hotels.


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