4th Grade Mission Project - San Luis Rey De Francia

San Luis Rey De Francia
A California Mission

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction         
  2. San Luis Rey De Francia
  3. Luiseno Indians
  4. Crops
  5. Special about Mission
  6. Conclusion
  7. Bibliography


A mission is a religious settlement, and a center where missionaries (religious teachers) work to spread their beliefs to other people and to teach a new way of life. Missions often involve sending individuals and groups, called "missionaries," across boundaries, for the purpose of proselytism (conversion to Christianity, or from one Christian tradition to another). Spain, along with leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, established missions and presidios (forts) throughout the Spanish Empire to strengthen its claim to the land. Spain built the missions in California. They wanted to protect their claim to the land. They also wanted to make native Indians learn Spanish and become Spanish citizens. They established twenty one missions. The first mission was founded in 1769 and the last one was founded in 1821. The Indians forgot their old ways of life and instead went to the missions and learned Spanish.

The goal of the Spanish mission system in North America was to make Indians accept Spanish ways and become loyal subjects of the Spanish king. The priest’s purpose in building missions is to spread Christianity. Priests functioning as missionaries tried to convert the local Indian populations to Catholicism and to teach them to dress and behave as Spaniards.San Luis Rey De Francia
The name of my mission is Mission San Luis Rey De Francia and it is the largest of the 21 missions. It means in English the King of Missions. The Mission San Luis Rey De Francia is a former Spanish Mission in an unincorporated part of San Diego County, surrounded by the presentday city of Oceanside, California.

The reason that spot was chosen is because it had fertile soil, a lot of land , Indian villages are nearby, and the mission will help if Indians are planning to raid Spanish travelers and they get to rest there. The mission was founded on June 13, 1798 by Padre Fermin Lasuen, and was the eighteenth of the Spanish missions established in California. This is the last mission that the padre founded. Named for Saint Louis, the mission lent its name to the Luiseno tribe of Mission Indians. The interesting thing about Fray Lasuen is he is credited with introducing the adobe wall and tile roof architecture commonly associated with the California missions. Luiseno Indians

The Luiseno Indians lived at Mission San Luis Rey De Francia and it filled 2.5 hectares (six acres). They liked to live at Mission San Luis Rey De Francia because of Fray Peyri energetic and nice leadership. He was also an excellent architect. With him, the Indians learned to build Mission San Luis Rey De Francia the biggest and longest of the twenty one missions. Men learned to raise cattle for beef and leather, sheep for meat and wool, and hogs for lard, which were used to make soap. Other skills the Luiseno men were taught included adobe brick making, carpentry, tile making, and leatherwork. Women learned to cook, sew, weave, make soap and care for the sick. The children helped where they could, but spent a lot of time learning from the friars about Christianity and the Spanish language.
Once baptized, the neophytes lost their freedom and had to do what the friars had to do. Neophytes could not leave the mission grounds (including asistencias) unless they had special permission. If they try to flee, they were caught and bought back by the soldiers. In 1799, the Indians got to pick alcaldes. The alcaldes were neophytes who guarded the mission and watched Indians work.


The crops the Luiseno Indians grew at Mission San Luis Rey De Francia included orange trees, grapevines, wheat, hemp, barley, corn, and beans. Each mission also had large fields of crops - wheat, barley, corn, beans and peas mostly. They ate this food, cooking it according to the recipes the priests bought along with them. These were mostly Spanish and Mexican dishes. There were lots of crops and animals at San Luis Rey De Francia. There were 27,000 cattle, 26,000 sheep, 2,000 pigs, goats, ducks, chickens, and geese. The neophytes used wooden plows to till the land and plant their food. The daily schedule started around 6:00 am. When everyone awoke, bells were rang to announce it was time to pray. After that, everyone would eat breakfast together. When they were done eating, missionaries, soldiers, and neophytes either set to work or went to classes. Later, everyone would eat lunch until 2 pm and then go to work. They would eat dinner and then the neophytes had free time to dance, play, and talk together.Special about Mission
The mission had 30 square miles of land with large wheat fields, vegetable gardens, vineyards that produced fine wine, and groves of olive and orange trees. The Church was 180 feet long, 28 feet wide, 30 feet high and was built of adobe bricks faced with burnt bricks and tile roof. The mission buildings covered six acres around a 500-foot square patio. There were more than 200 arches along the walkways that led to the dormitories, an infirmary, kitchen, storage rooms, and workshops for carpenters, weavers, spinners, and soap and candle makers.

A single domed tower served as a bell tower and as a lookout from which a guard could signal workers in the fields or announce the approach of visitors. The sunken garden and lavanderia (laundry), located in a hollow to the south of the mission may be reached by descending 46 fire tiled steps. An intricate aqueduct system brought water from a nearby river through a series of 12 underground pipelines made of burnt brick. A charcoal filtering system purified water for drinking. Water from springs flowed out of the mouths of two stone figures into a large lavandería (laundry), where the mission women scrubbed their clothes. The water then went into the fields for irrigation.


The missions were built by the Spanish starting in 1769 in order to "colonize" the territory of Alta California, which they had discovered over two centuries earlier. Spain had hoped that establishing the California missions would help protect their interests from North America to Great Britain and Russia. The Franciscan friars at the missions educated the natives in European agriculture and other practical skills, converted them to Christianity and educated them as Spanish citizens to create a physical presence in the region. Missionaries believed they were helping the Indians by making them into farmers. They also needed the food for themselves and the Spanish soldiers.

Some Indians resisted their new way of life. They broke tools and equipment or ran away. Some planned revolts. But in the end, California Indians lost their old way of life. They also lost the skills they needed to live outside the mission, and the land once used for hunting had been turned into farms. Without knowing it, the Spanish also brought diseases to California. By 1846, two-thirds of the Indians in California had died. Any mission experience is rich ground for ideas, learning and growth. The thing I like about Mission San Luis Rey De Francia is that it is very big and more than two thousand Luiseno Indians live there.


Reflections author Dr Priscilla H. Porter / (California, A Changing State)City, New York City, Publisher(Harcourt School Publishers)Mission author Quasha Jennifer / Mission San Luis Rey De Francia. Recent Copyright, 2007.

Websites, Wikipedia, Missions.com, Mission San Luis Rey De Francia.org, California Mission history.org, Missions California.com.

6th grade project - Cultural Traditiions

A tradition that I and my family do is called Diwali. Diwali means “row of lighted lamps”. Diwali is the holiday that happens every year during October or November and is 4 days long. Diwali is a tradition in which we decorate lights on our houses. Every time on Diwali, we go to the temple and stay there for 2 hours. We also buy sweets. Diwali is a cultural holiday celebrated in India and my family and I celebrates this tradition every year.

Diwali originated because people celebrated after a good harvest with lights. During Diwali, people light fireworks and light oil lamps. People started this tradition long ago, at 700 B.C in India, and had repeated this tradition ever since.

I think Diwali is required since there should be a day when people celebrate after doing hard work. Diwali also lasts a lot of time. I think Diwali, the festival of lights does all that. It is meaningful to me and my family since I like seeing all the decorations on Diwali. I also like Diwali since people will light up fireworks. I like Diwali since there is a lot of noise during all the days of Diwali. We go to temples and do decorations around our house.

6th Grade Project - Words

1. Antonyms – up : down

2. Synonyms – great : wonderful

3. Part : whole – trunk : tree

4. whole :part – school : classroom

5. tool : its action – crayon : draw

6. tool user : tool – carpenter : hammer

7. tool: object it’s used with – hammer : nails

8. category : example – dog : Golden Retriever

9. effect : cause – flood : rain

10. cause: effect – practice : improve

11. increasing intensity – unhappiness ; misery

12. decreasing intensity – hot : warm

13. action : thing acted upon – read : book

14. action: subject performing action – teach : teacher

15. object or place : its user – chalk : teacher

16. noun: closely related adjective – elephant : enormous


(v.) to get down from, step down from; to come down from the air, land; (adj.) lighted up
To light up; to burn
To happen upon something accidentally

to frighten with threats, violence, etc.; intimidate; overawe.
older female (usually after calving)

neatly and stylishly dressed (usually a man)

To strike out or swing wildly; to thrash about.

an instrument for threshing grain

(of a man) concerned with his clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way.

to sink, fail, collapse;
a person who casts metal, glass, etc.;
a person who establishes a company, society, etc.

n. a trench in the earth made by a plow; a wrinkle

beginning; origin; first book of the Bible

to collect bit by bit; to gather with patient labor

At the head of a ship;
Wheel used for steering

a person who sells small items, either door-to-door or from a stall or small store

A swindler; a charlatan; a trickster

a countless or extremely great number

Control center of the cell; contains DNA

Looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar;
strange, freakish, weird, foreign-looking

A performance using gestures and body movements without words

priggish (prig)
a person who displays or demands of others pointlessly precise conformity, fussiness about trivialities, or exaggerated propriety, especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner; prude

lean and muscular;
strong tissue that connects muscles to bones

to bring forth; to produce a large number;
of or relating to the spawning of a character or item in a video game: a spawn point;

Detached or disconnected in sound or style;

marked by abrupt, clear-cut sounds

to come down on both sides of an issue;
sit or stand with one leg on either side of

extremely strict in regard to moral standards and conduct
to bind, confine, or restrain with or as if with laces.

uncontrolled, lacking in restraint

To sway physically; to be indecisive

The source; a source or supply of anything, especially when considered inexhaustible

Air pressure= The definition of air pressure is the force exerted onto a surface by the weight of the air

Weather= the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.

Climate= the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long time.

Wind= the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction.

Cloud= a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground.

Energy= the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.

Humidity= a quantity representing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere or gas.

Condensation=water that collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.

Evaporation= the process of turning from the liquid into vapor.

Precipitation= rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground.

Air mass= a body of air with horizontally uniform temperature, humidity, and pressure.

Rain shadow= a region having little rainfall because it is sheltered from prevailing rain-bearing winds by a range of hills.

Ocean Current= An ocean current is a seasonal directed movement of seawater generated by forces acting upon this mean flow, such as breaking waves, wind, the Coriolis effect, temperature and salinity differences, while tides are caused by the gravitational of the Sun and Moon.

Oceanic= relating to the ocean.

Circulation= movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system.

Heat reservoir= A heat reservoir is a constant temperature heat source or sink. Because the temperature is uniform, there is no heat transfer across a finite temperature difference, and the heat exchange is reversible.

6th Grade City Project - Mumbai


Is Mumbai inland or coastal

Mumbai is a coastal region.  This affects the weather since it is coastal, it has been hit by a lot
of rain and some storms. It’s low pressure is 29.75 and high pressure is 30.25

Map of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Which Hemisphere is Mumbai in

Mumbai is in the Northern hemisphere.  
It’s coordinates are (19.0760° N, 72.8777° E).
This impacts the weather because of the coriolis effect.
Storms here spin counterclockwise since it is in the northern hemisphere.

What is the average temperature for mumbai in summer and in winter?

The average temperature for Mumbai during summer is 32 degrees celsius.
The average temperature for mumbai during winter is 30 degrees celsius.
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Does Mumbai have a dry or wet climate?
Mumbai has a tropical climate.
It’s average amount of precipitation is 95.35 in.
Bodies of water near Mumbai

Bodies of water near Mumbai are Powai Lake, Tulsi Lake,
Vihar Lake, Bandra Talao, Pandavkada Falls, Upvan Lake,
Mithi River, Back Bay, Mahim Bay, Thane Creek, Oshiwara river,
Dahisar River, Modak Sagar, Poisar river, Mahim Creek,
Mahul creek, Manori Creek, Malad Creek.

Image result for bodies of water near mumbai

Is Mumbai prone to any natural disasters ?

Mumbai is prone to flooding and rainfall

Variations between seasons of Mumbai.

Yes. During winter, it is very cold, and plants don’t grow,
in summer, it is very hot, in spring and fall have the same

Image result for Is Mumbai prone to any natural disasters gif without people in it

What should you pack in order to visit Mumbai?
You should pack a jacket, a shirt,  pants, shoes, and thick socks.

Three fun things to do in Mumbai

Three fun things to do in Mumbai are :
  1. Gateway of India
  2. Esselworld
  3. Nehru Science Centre
Image result for MUMBAI IMAGES

Why I chose Mumbai
I chose Mumbai since Mumbai was the most popular city in india.

6th Grade City Project - Boston


Where is Boston

Boston is in inland(away from water) and that impacts the weather
since the weather is hot during summer but cold during winter.
It’s low pressure is 29.83 Hg and high pressure is 29.97 HG.

Which location is Boston in?

Boston is in the Northern hemisphere.
It’s coordinates are (42.3601° N, 71.0589° W)
This impacts the weather  because of the coriolis effect,
storms here rotate counterclockwise.
What is the average temperature in Boston for summer and winter?

The average Temperature for boston during summer is 75.3 degrees
fahrenheit, while the average temperature for boston during
winter is 50 degrees fahrenheit.
Image result for summer and winter in boston

What type of climate does Boston have
Boston has a wet climate most of the time. It does have extremely
cold temperatures which are below zero degrees fahrenheit.
It’s average amount of precipitation is 43.56 inches.

Image result for images of raining in boston gif
Bodies of water near Boston
There are a lot of rivers and lakes near boston.
They are the charles river, boston Harbor, Quabbin Reservoir,
Jamaica Pond, Houghton’s Pond, Chestnut Hill reservoir,  
Massachusetts bay, lake cochituate, mystic lakes mystic river,
neponset river, weir river, Hypocrite channel, Higham bay,
Middlesex channel, Lechmere channel, crystal lake,
Wachusett Reservoir, Sawins pond, Bullough’s Pond,
Clay Pit pond  

Image result for bodies of water near Boston

Is Boston Prone to Natural Disasters ?

Boston is not prone to hurricanes and tsunamis since it is a inland
location, but if a storm hits the place, it does major damage.
It also has a lot of earthquakes.

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Are there variations of the seasons of Boston?

Yes. During winter, it is very cold, and plants don’t grow,
in summer, it is very hot, in spring and fall have the same climate.
Image result for variations of the seasons of BOston

Appropriate clothing to wear to go to this place.

You should bring comfortable shoes, and flexible clothing,
for winter weather wear a thick jacket, thick pants, boots,
and thick socks. Bring an umbrella also.
Since there are lot of beaches in boston, pack swimming clothes.
For fun, since they have nice fitness rooms, pack fitness clothes.  
Bring sunscreen also.

Image result for swimming pools in boston

Three fun things to do in Boston

Three fun things to do in Boston are:

  1. Paul Revere house
  2. Museum of Science
  3. Fenway park. 

Faneuil Hall

Why I chose Boston.

I chose Boston since it was a city with lots of tourist attractions,
and also had a lot of beaches. It had nice hotels.